11 Best Indoor Plants for Beginners

Plants are man’s best friend. Without plants, there would be no life. But even if that was not the case, isn’t everything dull without plants? Plants bring life and aesthetics to a home; a new house starts to give homely vibes as we introduce plants to it. So let’s check out some awesome Indoor Plants for Beginners that are easy to grow.

Cast Iron Plant

Cast Iron Plant in a pot are the Indoor Plants for Beginners

This plant gets this name because it is tough to kill. It can survive very harsh and neglected conditions. This plant does not require direct sunlight. Hence it is better to keep it somewhere in the room where you do not receive a lot of direct sunlight. This plant also does not get bothered by insects much. These plants require water when the soil completely dries out. So, if you are looking to go on a vacation, you do not have to worry about this plant. The major mistake that one makes with this plant is overwatering.

ZZ Plant

ZZ plant in a pot in white background is the best Indoor Plants for Beginners

ZZ is short for Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. These plants are the best as they do not require a lot of care. This plant cannot withstand too much light. You will notice curling of leaves, leaning, and yellowing if it is kept in too much light. Like the Cast Iron plant, this plant will also die due to overwatering. This plant survives months without water, but it is advised to water regularly. You can also give fertilizer to the plant one or two times a year during the summers. Hey new gardeners, this plant is perfect, as dying off this plant isn’t very easy.

Madagascar Dragon Plant

Madagascar Dragon Plant in white pot is the Indoor Plants for Beginners

Madagascar Dragon Plant is one of the easiest indoor plants to maintain. These plants can grow up to 6 feet tall but are slow-growing, so it may take about ten years to grow 5 feet tall. Dragon Plant is also a cheap plant and acts as an air purifier. It is preferred to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Make sure that you do not overwater. It is best to keep your dragon tree plant in a light shade. This plant doesn’t like the cold weather, so if you move your plant outdoors sometimes, then make sure that you get it inside before winter and keep it in a comparatively warmer room. This plant will require repotting only when the roots start to get congested.

Indoor Plants for Beginners-Chinese Money Plant

Chinese Money Plant in brown pot in blue background

Pilea Peperomioides, popularly known as the Chinese Money Plant, has so many nicknames to it like UFO plant, Pancake Plant, Bender Plant, Lefse Plant, Missionary Plant, and Mirror Glass Plant. This plant loves bright indirect sunlight. So it would be best if you place it near a window with lots of sunlight. It’s best to water this plant approximately once every week. But before watering, it is better first to check if the soil is dry or not. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Peat or coir-based organic potting mix is best for growing the Chinese Money Plant. This plant grows quite fast and might need to be repotted frequently.

Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy in a glass vase on a brown table

Pothos or Devil’s Ivy or Money Plant is a vine that can grow up to 40 feet long. It can grow both outdoors and indoors. Because of its long vines, it looks good in hanging planters. It should get filtered sunlight or even bright artificial light when it is kept indoors. You can water the plant deeply when it’s actively growing. Watering deeply is till the water comes out of the drainage holes. You can water approximately once a week or when the soil is dry. It would help if you reduced the frequency of watering during winters. 

Indoor Plants for Beginners-Peace Lily Houseplant

Peace Lily Plant in a pot is the best indoor Plants for Beginners

Peace Lilies are beautiful plants that can perfectly brighten up your office and home. These plants not just look beautiful but also cleans the air. This plant enjoys medium to low light. Plant growth depends upon the amount of light it receives. Plants kept in low light will bloom less. Peace lilies usually die of overwatering rather than underwatering. You should also remember to report the peace lilies as they outgrow the current pot. The big and wide leaves act as a dust magnet, so it is also advised to wipe their leaves occasionally. 

Indoor Plants for Beginners-Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Plant in a pot close up

Aloe Vera is considered an attractive succulent plant that is a great option indoors. Aloe Vera has many health benefits, too, which not only makes it a nice-looking plant but also a useful one. Placing it in a location that offers bright but indirect sunlight will help. The leaves might turn yellow if the plant is kept in direct sunlight. The plant will need repotting when root-bound. Make sure to water the plant deeply, as the long leaves require a good amount of water for growth. But water the plant infrequently.

Aloe Vera has many medicinal and skin care benefits. It helps in improving blood sugar levels. It also helps in improving skin.

Jade Plant

Jade plant white white stones in a pot

Caring for a Jade Plant is easy. Many people prefer keeping Jade Plants in offices and homes as it is considered to be lucky. It is important to water the Jade Plants carefully. One needs to make sure that the plant does not dry out completely, but watering too often can cause root rot. Instead of watering the plant on schedule, water it when the top soil is dry to the touch. If your Jade plant is losing leaves, then that might be because of less water. You need to ensure that you do not fertilize the plant when it is dry and that a water-soluble fertilizer is preferred.

Rubber Plant

rubber plant in a white pot on a table

A Rubber Plant should be grown in an area that gets bright light but is not directed hot sun. The right balance of watering the plant is very important. You should remember to keep the plant moist during the growing season. Also, make sure that you wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. In case the leaves of your plant are turning yellow and brown and falling off, it indicates that you are overwatering your plant. Wherever you see a leaf falling off, you can cut a slit in the node to promote new leaf growth faster. 

You can propagate a new plant by taking a small branch and putting it in either potting soil or water and waiting for the roots to grow. 

Spider Plant

This is one of the most adaptable houseplants. When kept indoors, place it near a large window so that it receives bright indirect sunlight. Putting this plant in direct sunlight will scorch the leaves. It would help if you made sure that the soil stays moist but not soggy. It is preferred that you use rainwater or distilled water as this plant is sensitive to chlorine and fluoride in water which can make the leaf tips brown. Spider plants grow fast, and you might need to pot them frequently.

Indoor Plants for Beginners-Snake Plant

Snake Plant can be considered an ideal choice for beginners as it is very difficult to kill this plant. This plant can thrive in full sunlight as well as low light conditions. It would help if you got a well-drained potting mix for this plant. It will be better if the soil is sandier. You must check if the soil is dry before watering the plant. Too much water can cause harm to the plant. This plant prefers warm conditions and will die due to frost. 

Snake plant leaves are used to propagate new plants. You can slice off a healthy leaf from the plant and place it in a jar of water with the cut end submerged in water. You need to maintain the water level; hence, you might need to add water to it every few days. Change the water every two weeks to avoid bacteria growth. Once you notice the root is about one-inch growing, you can move it to a pot in a good potting mix.

These plants also have many benefits. Snake plants help in filtering the indoor air, even at night. It can also remove toxic pollutants from the air. These plants are said to boost mental health. Because the plant releases oxygen and adds moisture to the air, it helps reduce the impact of airborne allergens. It can also relieve minor physical ailments like healing skin wounds and burns, reducing inflammation, and reducing headaches. It also helps in strengthening the immune system.


Plants are something that will make anybody happy. Not just for your own house, you can get them for your friends and family too as plants make the best gifts. You can order plants online from uaeflowers.com and avail yourself of amazing deals. You should not miss any chance to surprise your loved ones with the beautiful gift of plants.

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